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Geographical Location


Located in the Indochina peninsula, Cambodia is bordered to the North by Laos, to the Northwest by Thailand, to the Southeast by Vietnam, to the Southwest by sea, and to the South by the Gulf of Thailand and Malaysia. The landscape is characterized by a dish-shaped basin surrounded by hills and mountains. There is a central alluvial plain, formed by the Mekong River and its tributaries, which accounts for more than three fourths of the land.


Population and Ethnic


Currently the population of Cambodia is around 17,020,000. The largest of the ethnic groups in Cambodia are the Khmer, followed by Cham, Vietnamese and Chinese. The official language is Khmer.



Cultural Features



節日: 柬埔寨在一年當中有三個最重要的節日: 柬埔寨新年、亡人節及送水節。柬埔寨新年(Cambodian New Year)於每年4月13日至15日舉行,這是收穫季節的節束,許多農民會在雨季開始之前享受勞動的成果。亡人節(Pchum Ben),為華人的清明節,於每年的佛歷10月1日至15日舉行,祭祀緬懷祖先。送水節(Bon Om Touk),於每年佛曆12月15日起為期三天慶祝,每年的送水節,各省份都會派出龍舟隊,於金邊進行划舟比賽,除此之外,晚上拜月、吃扁米、放水燈、賞燈船,都是送水節時重要的習俗活動。

Cambodian culture is influenced by Buddhism, Hinduism, France and the elements of globalization. However, the Khmer culture is the dominant factor, besides 20 other ethnic groups in the mountains, including the upland Khmer group.

Religion: Cambodia is predominantly Buddhist with 90% of the population being Theravada Buddhist. Overseas Chinese are Mahayana Buddhists. Catholics in Cambodia are Vietnamese. Cham and Malay are Islam. The population of Islam in Cambodia is about 400,000.

Festivals: There are three important festivals in Cambodia: Cambodian New Year, Pchum Ben and Bon Om Touk. Cambodian New Year is celebrated from 13th to 15th of April, which marks the end of the harvest season. Many farmers enjoy reaping the crops before the rain season begins. Pchum Ben is Chinese Tomb-Sweeping Day, held from the 1st to the 15th of the 10th Khmer month, when they remember their ancestors. Bon Om Touk is celebrated for three days, from the 15th of the 10th Khmer month. Every year, each province would send a boat team to join the boat racing in Phnom Penh. In addition, praying to the moon, eating flattened rice, releasing water lanterns and watching lantern boats are important activities on Bon Om Touk.


Features of Food


A typical Cambodian cuisine (including Khmer cuisine) normally contains more than one dish, based on a large number of spices, leaves, pickles, dipping sauce, edible flowers, food decoration and seasonings, which creates a strong contrast among taste, flavor and temperature. Cambodia’s staple food is rice and many street foods are made of rice, such as crispy rice cakes, kway teow and sticky rice porridge. Due to being influenced by France during French colonial rule, baguette is the common bread, which is usually served with meat, sardines and eggs.

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