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Geographical Location


Located in southeast Europe and northwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula, Croatia is at the crossroads of central and south Europe. It is long and narrow and has long coastlines. Near the Adriatic Sea to the west, Croatia is across from Italy. The northeast region of Croatia is the Middle Danube Plain and Dubrovnik, the southernmost point of Croatia, is separated from the rest of Croatia by the coastline of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Croatia shares borders with Slovenia and Hungary to the north, and Bosnia, Herzegovina and Serbia to the east.


Population and Ethnic

克羅埃西亞目前約有400萬人,主要為克羅埃西亞人(Croats)、克羅埃西亞塞爾維亞人(Serbs of Croatia)及其他民族。官方語言為克羅埃西亞語,其他有塞爾維亞語等。

The current population of Croatia is about 4,000,000. Croats and Serbs of Croatia are the main ethnic groups, while there are still other small groups. The official languages are Croatian, Serbian, and etc.



Cultural Features

克羅埃西亞文化是由四種不同文化所組成,東羅馬帝國、西羅馬帝國、中歐及地中海文化。十九世紀盛行的伊利里亞運動(Illyrian Movement)是克羅埃西文化發展史的重要時期,不僅解放了克羅埃西亞人的語言,還擴散到文化藝術等多種領域。克羅埃西亞擁有一項普遍使用的文化特產,領結(領帶),起初是克羅埃西亞人的男性在出征前由妻子或女朋友繫在脖子上的方巾,以示對他們的支持和鼓勵,後來因獨特裝束受到法國注意,進而推廣至全世界。

The culture of Croatia is a blend of four different cultural spheres: the Eastern Roman Empire, the Western Roman Empire, Central Europe and the Mediterranean. Prevailing in the 19th century, the Illyrian Movement was an important period in the development of Croatian culture, which not only led to linguistic reformation but also laid the foundation for other aspects, such as culture, art and more others. Croatia has a commonly-worn cultural heritage, the cravat. Originally, the wives or girlfriends of the men who participated in battle would create ornately decorated red ties of cloth to wear around their men’s necks to express their support and encouragement. Later, the unique tie drew the French army’s attention and it was introduced to the world.


Features of Food


Croatian cuisine is known as a cuisine of regions. For example, the coastal region is strongly influenced by Italian cuisine and other Mediterranean cuisine, so it focuses more on seafood, vegetables and Italian pasta along with olive oil, garlic and other aromatics. Influenced by Hungarian, Austrian and Turkish cuisine, mainland cuisine is characterized by some basic ingredients, such as meat, freshwater fish and vegetables.

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